MCGB B2DSC Faidx TNAC-marker MGOC TR PP-Locator

Your job id is: t662ab059. 11 sequences were blasted against Triticum_aestivum-iwgsc_refseqv1_0 genome.

Note: Job will be stored only 7 days.

Parameters used to filter blast results:

pident = 85, qcovhsp = 80, Sequence(s) just filtered = All of them

Draw picture(s) using the data left.

top px    bottom px    left px    right px
left px    tick-length px    length px    width px
left px    right px    tick-length px
left px    right px    width px    cap radius px
tick label px    Mbp px    chromosome name px
width px (0 means will not plot bars.)
width px
x px    y em
x px    y em
y em
y em
Black White
Background    Foreground
fill    border
HSP per Mbp  Value < 0 will not be plot.
HSP per Mbp  Value ≥ 100 will in this color.
Id: CCS1
Description: Oligo-CCS1; Centromeric satellite repeats Cereal centromeric sequence
pident = 85, qcovehsp = 80
  1. Mouseover barcodes and bars to get information.
  1. Click rectangulars with less than 100 repeats will show sequences.
  2. Mouseover rectangulars will show start and end.